Welcome to the Rotary Club of Box Hill Burwood
Join our Hybrid Meeting
Our club holds hybrid meetings for most of our regular club meetings. We look forward to welcoming interesting speakers and guests from all over the world and also being able to provide members unable to attend in person as a result of business or other commitments the flexibility of hybrid meetings.
Meetings are held 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month in person in the Upton Room at Box Hill RSL

Guest Speaker 4th February 2025 - Leanne Batty
Great News.........
Join us on Tuesday 4th February and meet Leanne Batty from Eastern Palliative Care.
Leanne Batty, is a registered nurse and one of the clinical Educators at Eastern Palliative Care (EPC).
She has worked at EPC for over 10 years, starting out as a casual nurse, onto permanent part-time after 12 months and was successful in obtaining the role as Clinical Educator – In-service program, in June 2023. This role has been diverse, and included:
- Developing and delivering a weekly in-service program
- Planning and facilitating 3 educational Forums for clinical staff
- Developing and reviewing Policies and Process Maps
- Being the educational lead for working parties
- Providing 1:1 education, via learning plans and also mentoring staff on visits
- Navigating ‘Teams’ and learning to record and edit education sessions to be accessed via EPC’s education intranet
- Building and maintaining an education intranet page
- Educating staff on how to conduct Telehealth visits with clients and developed written resources for clinicians
- Preparation for accreditation in January 2025
Her Clinical Education role has been an exciting and challenging switch from clinical work, which she has enjoyed!
" I look forward to talking to you about EPC and our education programs and how the generous Rotary grant was used on February 4th!" - Leanne
We look forward to hearing from Leanne.
Meeting in the Upton Room, Box Hill RSL
6pm for 6:15pm start, 4th February, 2025
Or join via Zoom on link on home page
Dinner is available in the RSL Bistro.
Please note non-Rotary club members will need to book separately if they wish to have dinner following the meeting as the venue only sets aside a limited number of seats for members and is currently under renovations.
Community Grants Now Open

Latest News
2025 Community Grants Now Open

Container Deposit Scheme Victoria

Help us by donating your containers to support our local and international projects.......
Whitehorse Art Show

Venue: Box Hill RSL - Upton Room & Bistro , 26 Nelson Road Box Hill, 3128 Victoria, Australia
Day: Every Tuesday (no meetings on 5th Tuesday of the month)
- Formal Meetings on 1st and 3rd weeks of each month, 6pm for 6:15pm start followed by 7:30 pm dinner in Bistro
- Informal social dinner meetings on 2nd & 4th weeks of each month, 6.30pm dinner in Bistro
Our Projects
Click the links below to find out more about our great projects.

Children's Ward Murals Project - Box Hill Hospital
Despite the Covid pandemic thwarting our ability to raise much needed funds for our local community, Rotary Box Hill Burwood has been able to support the brightening of the walls of the Children's Ward of Eastern Health's Box Hill Hospital.
In 2021 we started the process of contracting a group of talented local artists to make a difference to the environment and lives of the young patients and staff by painting vibrant murals on the walls of the ward ....... read more

Bizzi Kidz Environmental Care Pack
The last few years have been tough for all but especially for our youngest members of society, they have missed out on the most important formative educational and social start to life. Rotary Box Hill Burwood saw an opportunity to put a smile on the faces of children in Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 at some of our local primary schools who had missed out but also an opportunity to encourage them to care for our planet and so we created the Bizzi Kidz Environmental Care Pack which was distributed to over 350 primary school children. 2023 has seen the second distribution of our Bizzi Kidz Pack to over 200 children at the St Francis Xavier Fete....read more

About Us...
The Rotary Club of Box Hill Burwood has a proud 65-year history of supporting many worthwhile Local Community and International projects.
Individuals of all ages, cultures and diversity are welcome to join us in our endeavor to make a difference through our “Service Above Self” projects, both local and global.
For more information about the Club and our activities, please contact us by clicking the link here and using the form on the
Annual Report
Click the link below to read our most recent Annual Report for 2023 - 2024 in a convenient flip book.
Click Image on right or link below