
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Box Hill Burwood

Join our Hybrid Meeting 

Our club holds hybrid meetings for most of our regular club meetings. We look forward to welcoming interesting speakers and guests from all over the world and also being able to provide members unable to attend in person as a result of business or other commitments the flexibility of hybrid meetings.

Meetings are held 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month in person in the Upton Room at Box Hill RSL

Click to join our hybrid meetings here

Guest Speaker 1st October - Marcus Reeves, She Won't Be Right Mate

October 10th is World Mental Health Day - don't forget to ask your friends if they are ok!!
Join us as we hear from Director and founder of She Won't Be Right Mate' Marcus Reeves. Marcus has drawn from his own experiences as a young man with mental health difficulties. Sober for over 5 years and counting, his story is a powerful one about how the little stepping stones in life can take you from drowning in addiction and suicidal thoughts, to thriving and helping others do the same.
“We all do things in life, and often get away with it, until it takes something to make us re assess & change what we are doing before it becomes too late. Luckily for me, I got that opportunity. Many don’t. Growing up in Australia, being a tradie from a very young age, you are taught to work then have a beer after – That was our reward for being a hard working ‘man’. These were the reward systems unknowingly instilled in me. Soon drinking became my answer for resolving stress & unwanted emotions as well as celebrating success. Unfortunately, the depressant can only get you so far. I moved to regular cocaine use. I still ran my business, presented well to friends and family, and didn’t feel like shit. My moment of realisation, after drinking myself into oblivion and driving home to wake to suicide notes and missed calls from concerned family. Your brain blocks out a lot of the pain, but I know I caused a LOT. Thankfully, my family stepped in. Became night watchmen & psychologists. Cleaned out my house and took me into Maroondah inpatient ward for mental health.
It still takes a lot of work to stay on the path & put the things I have learnt in place to ensure I maintain a clear mind and be able to deal with life & it’s stressors and unpredictable events that occur day to day. I decided to make sure I used my story to help others. So many men (and women) keep their mouths shut, try to stay strong, ignore the feeling of struggling or do the blokey thing and literally say – She’ll be right mate. When in fact – SHE WON’T BE RIGHT MATE. Mental health adversary and suicide rates are skyrocketing because of the stigma attached to sharing our feelings, opening up or getting help when we are struggling. Our goal is to get the conversation started and let people know its all right to not be alright.”

Meeting in the Upton Room, Box Hill RSL
6pm for 6:15pm start, 1st October 2024

Or join via Zoom on link on home page
Dinner is available in the RSL Bistro.

Please note non-Rotary club members will need to book separately if they wish to have dinner following the meeting as the venue only sets aside a limited number of seats for members and is currently under renovations.

Great News.........

What incredibly good news to receive at the end of a very successful year.

On behalf of Rotary Box Hill Burwood, we wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the generous grant awarded to us by Bendigo Bank - Community Bank Inner East. Your support will make a significant impact on our community initiatives, allowing us to continue our vital work.

We are committed to using these funds effectively and efficiently to achieve our goals. Your belief in our mission inspires us to strive for excellence in all our endeavours.

Latest News

Stroke of Genius Trivia Night

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A great success raising over $3000 for Eastern Health's Biplane Angiogram project....

May 25th, 6:30pm

FInd out  more

2024 Community Grants      A great success

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An incredible night held on 21st May  supporting 11 local community organisations ...

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Container Deposit Scheme Victoria

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Help us by donating your containers to support our local and international projects.......

FInd out how
Thank you to our sponsors of our Stroke of Genius Trivia Night


Venue:  Box Hill RSL - Upton Room & Bistro , 26 Nelson Road Box Hill, 3128 Victoria, Australia

Day: Every Tuesday (no meetings on 5th Tuesday of the month)

  • Formal Meetings on 1st and 3rd weeks of each month, 6pm for 6:15pm start followed by 7:30 pm dinner in Bistro
  • Informal social dinner meetings on 2nd & 4th weeks of each month, 6.30pm dinner in Bistro

Our Projects

Click the links below to find out more about our great projects.


Children's Ward Murals Project - Box Hill Hospital

Despite the Covid pandemic thwarting our ability to raise much needed funds for our local community, Rotary Box Hill Burwood has been able to support the brightening of the walls of the Children's Ward of Eastern Health's Box Hill Hospital.

In 2021 we started the process of contracting a group of talented local artists to make a difference to the environment and lives of the young patients and staff by painting vibrant murals on the walls of the ward ....... read more


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Box Hill Burwood

Click Here To Join Our Hybrid Meeting

Rotary Box Hill Burwood and Hybrid Meetings

Our club holds hybrid meetings for most of our regular club meetings. We look forward to welcoming some incredible speakers and guests from all over the world and providing members unable to attend, as a result of business or other commitments, the flexibility of Hybrid meetings .

Hybrid meetings are held in conjunction with our regular meetings each 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month - 6pm for a 6:15 pm start

If you would like further information about our Hybrid Meetings or speaker program please contact us.


2024 Community Grants - Applications open 1st February

Each year the Rotary Club of Box Hill Burwood supports local community groups within our locale through our Community Grants Program.                     
Grants assist local groups to provide necessary services that benefit our local community.

Over the last 21 years Rotary Box Hill Burwood have been proud to support over $1 million dollars' worth of projects locally and internationally.

For more information and Grant conditions/criteria click link below

2024 Community Grants

 Exciting News from Rotary Club Box Hill Burwood!

We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with the Container Deposit Scheme (CDS), where every step counts toward supporting local and international projects. Here’s how you can get involved:

Step 1: Start by collecting eligible containers

Step 2: Find your most convenient refund point from the list below:

1. Box Hill Central Shopping Centre, 1 Main Street Boxhill
2. J&J Grocery World Boxhill, 424B Station St, Boxhill
3. Milk Bar Box Hill South, 187 Middleborough Rd, Boxhill

Step 2: Simply scan the RCBHB Donations ID (see below) or select Rotary Club of Boxhill Burwood from the donations list to direct your refund to RCBHB.

Let’s make a positive impact together!

Learn more about the CDS here:

$1 Million Dollars Raised For The Community


November 19th saw us celebrate an incredible acheivement, through our Op shop we have raised $1 million dollars to fund local and international projects over the last 21 years.

The lunch held at Box Hill Golf Club was an excellent opportunity for us to come together to celebrate an incredible achievement that has made and continues to make an enormous difference in our community.

A thank you must go to our volunteers, whose time and effort to support our club and our causes has assisted in achieving this incredible goal.  Your contributions have made a significant impact, and we are grateful for your dedication and hard work.

We also want to take a moment to recognize the incredible work of our Op Shop Board under the capable management of our Director of 21 years, Clem Joyce. Clem was presented with a special plaque acknowledging his work by District Governor of 9810 - Ian Ballantine.

The selflessness and commitment of our volunteers has been instrumental in helping us achieve this goal, without their help we could not have supported so many in our community. Monies raised has allowed us to make an impact on the lives of thousands over the last 21 years, we couldn’t have done it without our many volunteers.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer contact us and join our team.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those we serve and create a better world for all.

Bizzi Kidz Environmental Care Pack

The last few years have been tough for all but especially for our youngest members of society, they have missed out on the most important formative educational and social start to life. Rotary Box Hill Burwood saw an opportunity to put a smile on the faces of children in Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 at some of our local primary schools who had missed out but also an opportunity to encourage them to care for our planet and so we created the Bizzi Kidz Environmental Care Pack which was distributed to over 350 primary school children. 2023 has seen the second distribution of our Bizzi Kidz Pack to over 200 children at the St Francis Xavier more

About Us...

The Rotary Club of Box Hill Burwood has a proud 65-year history of supporting many worthwhile Local Community and International projects.

Individuals of all ages, cultures and diversity are welcome to join us in our endeavor to make a difference through our “Service Above Self” projects, both local and global.

For more information about the Club and our activities, please contact us by clicking the link here and using the form on the

 Contact Us page here

Annual Report

Click the link below to read our most recent Annual Report for 2023 - 2024 in a convenient flip book.

Click Image on right or link below

Annual Report 2023-2024
